Myles Russell

Ward Four

or contact me directly

Tel: 1-709-853-8998 E-Mail: myles@voterussell.ca

The 2024 by-election for Ward 4 has concluded and I placed second.

I must thank the many volunteers for the hundreds of hours poured into the campaign.

This page will be getting updated as the ramp up to future campaigns starts.

Why Vote For Me

Have you ever thought?

  • Why aren’t sidewalks accessible or plowed?
  • Why does the bus only come once an hour?
  • Why aren’t we building affordable housing?

I think about these everyday and I believe you do too.

I know they have a solution.

For over 15 years, I’ve done everything under the sun to improve the infrastructure you use every day. From designing highways to building schools, I’ve delved deep into the details and manuals to make sure everything I worked on was spot on.

If you’ve ever wondered why our cities struggle with accessibility, affordable housing, or maintaining decent public transit, then you and I are on the same page. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and tackle these issues head-on, using my engineering background and deep knowledge of how our city and Ward 4 is built to set things right, because if we can patch up the holes in our regulations, we pave the way for a city that works better for everyone.

It starts by taking a hard look at how we develop and regulate things in our city.

This is where I come in.


Engineered progress for a better city!

I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and tackle these issues head-on

Safer Streets

More Housing

Frequent and reliable buses

Better accessibility

About Myles Russell

Professional background

I’m from the beautiful west coast of the Island but I’ve lived, worked, and studied in St. John’s metro for over 25 years. After studying Civil Engineering Technology at the College of the North Atlantic nearly 20 years ago, I began my career in project management and construction estimating.

I’ve worked on dozens of subdivisions, highways, and piping infrastructure projects from conceptual design right to final inspection across the North East Avalon. I went on to lead some of the first robotics heavy equipment projects in the Province, and made a name for myself in the industry with advanced civil infrastructure modelling.

I now work on affordable housing developments across the city and even right here in ward 4.

If there is one thing I know thoroughly, it is how our infrastructure is built, what it all costs, and how to maintain it. This is at the very core of what makes a municipal government operate and I know how it can be changed for the better.

Advocacy work

Two years ago, I founded a Not for Profit called Streets are for People. Our main goal is to process essential data that sheds light on our built environment, aiding in our quest for equitable development. I’ve collaborated closely with advocacy groups like Happy City, and numerous municipalities, including the staff at the City of St. John’s, to gather and analyze data for the benefit of us all.

As an advocate, I operate behind the scenes, forging connections with developers, consultants, and engineers to drive the necessary changes for a more sustainable future.

My Platform

What We’ll Do

Safer Streets

I will ensure our neighbourhoods safer for everyone. Whether you’re walking, biking, or driving, safety should always come first.

More Housing

Housing is a basic need, and everyone deserves a place to call home. I will provide solutions to increase housing options for all residents, and all incomes.

Frequent and Reliable Buses

Getting around shouldn’t be a hassle. I will tackle the challenges that face Metrobus, and ensure they can get the support to make a system that you can rely on.

Better Accessibility

Accessibility is key to creating an inclusive community. I will remove barriers to accessibility and make sure everyone can access public spaces, buildings, and services without any obstacles.

Safer Streets

Redirect Traffic

I will reroute external community traffic away from busy streets like Kenmount and Thorburn Road onto more appropriate routes like the Outer Ring and Team Gushue Highway. Implementing traffic delay increases, leading pedestrian signal priority (LPI’s), and red-light cameras at problematic intersections will also improve safety, particularly at dangerous spots like Thorburn Road at Goldstone.

Lower Speed Limits

I’ll advocate for reducing the speed limit on local roads across St. John’s to 30km/h. If you roll, walk, or drive, you should have safer streets with slower speeds.

Build a Connected Network

We need to overhaul how we approach active transportation infrastructure. Instead of costly, one-off projects, I will focus on building a dependable network of active transportation lanes directly onto our streets. By prioritizing connectivity over vehicle space, we can create safe and accessible routes that can be clear all winter.

More Housing

Support Housing Developments

We need more affordable housing, so let’s lend a hand to those who are building it. That means streamlining the regulations to get these developments off the ground faster.

Revamp Development Regulations

Our current rules are holding us back. I’ll push for some major changes to make it easier to build the homes we need. That includes ditching unnecessary requirements like complicated traffic studies and parking rules for affordable units.

Encourage Higher Density

We’ve got to make the most of our space. I will look at ways to allow for higher density developments where they make sense, so we can fit more homes in without eating up all the land.

Frequent and Reliable Buses

Invest in Success

Metrobus’ increased revenue is a sign of success, not a reason to cut funding. I will invest in this thriving service and ensure it continues to serve our community well.

Identify Areas for Improvement

Transit ran every 3 minutes in 1965. We had as many buses back then as we do now, and St. John’s only had 60,000 people. I will bring back that convenience and reliability. Through collaboration and analysis, I will identify areas for improvement and make our transit system shine.

Modernize our Transit

My commitment is to champion a transit system that works for everyone in Ward 4 and beyond. By implementing transit signal priorities, bus only lanes, express buses, I will create a more efficient, accessible, and enjoyable transit experience for all residents.

Better Accessibility

Addressing Immediate Concerns

Lack of accessibility goes beyond transit. Simple tasks like getting around during winter can become monumental challenges for those depending on sidewalks and public transportation. We need to acknowledge these struggles and find immediate solutions, even if they involve unconventional approaches like barrier-protected spaces and one-way pedestrian routes.

Focus on Universal Design

When it comes to new developments, we need to prioritize universal design principles. That means ensuring mountable accessible curbs, narrow traffic-calmed streets that are easily plow-able, and universally accessible bus stops. We can’t keep relying solely on GoBus. We need more reliable and accessible options.

Push for Change

I’ll be directing our engineering and planning department to incorporate universal design into our manuals. Continuous grade sidewalks should be the norm, and all bus stops must be accessible. We can’t afford to wait for lengthy studies; it’s time to implement these changes now.

Deeper Dive

I’m not all talk. I’ve deeply considered the policies and by-laws that shape our city. I have a detailed plan to implement everything discussed here, and more. Click here to get into the nerdy stuff on my plan as a Councillor.

If you are really brave, head over to streets are for people to see what myself and the team have already worked on to make our city better.

How To Help

How To Donate

E-mail Money Transfer to: myles@voterussell.ca

Donations will be accepted from any individuals up to a maximum of $1,000. I will be publishing all donations over $100 to a sheet that will be found here. It will be updated regularly. Donations over $100 can be made via cheque or credit card. Please e-mail myles@voterussell.ca for donations over $100.

Campaigns, even small municipal by-elections, are not free. Websites, domains, pamphlets, signs and more all have a cost, and there is only so much I can do on my own.

I would be very grateful to anyone who would donate to my campaign. Your money will help contribute to my campaign to update our specifications and regulations to allow for more affordable housing, safer streets, better transit, and higher city revenue without higher taxes, from an engineering first principles view.

How to Volunteer

With the election taking place on Tuesday March 12th 2024, the window for the campaign is small.

The first thing you could do to help is share on social media.

If you want to volunteer your hard earned free time, I would not say no. I’m not a public figure and I’ve never ran for any government position, so I have to get out there knocking on doors. Door canvasing for volunteers will start Sunday February 10th. Please fill in the following form.

Contact Me

    Want to Help? Let me know!

    Important Dates